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Jane Pearl Lee LCSWJane Pearl Lee, LCSW · Mar 23, 2022

Do you feel limited by your anxiety?

Do you feel limited by your anxiety?
The first step is understanding the basics of the emotion of anxiety.
Self talk or our internal dialogue is impacted by anxiety as a protective measure
Ways to work on your negative thoughts, internal dialogue/ self talk.
Ways to work on your negative thoughts, internal dialogue/ self talk.
Talk out loud to yourself and try to see what your anxiety is focused on
Journal and write out your thoughts
How often would we meet for therapy?
Take a walk outside and reflect
Talk to a close friend you trust who will give you some honest but supportive feedback or opinions
Meditation or yoga is a good way to ground yourself and reconnect to your body
I hope this blog helps you to better understand your anxious thoughts
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Want professional help from an anxiety therapist in Orange County?
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