Balancing the Asian and American culture is confusing. It is challenging when you are trying to keep up with American society and please your Asian family. You want to blend in but you also want to be acknowledged for just being you.  You beat yourself up for not being perfect or compare yourself to others. The constant pressure, stress, and worry is unbearable. Something feels off and unbalanced.  You feel like a failure when you disappoint your family. Your anxiety and insecurities limit your ability to succeed and achieve life goals. You isolate and your head is filled with annoying thoughts that keeps you up at night. And you feel too embarrassed to share with your family and friends, which makes you feel alone. 

Want to be free from the Asian pressure, guilt, and anxiety?

You are not alone. I help Asian American teens and young adults feel heard and understood. Instead of shame and guilt. I provide authentic support, encouragement, to build confidence. Blending two cultures may not feel easy but it's doable!

If you ready to start making the steps to sort out your thoughts, get real helpful advice, and start feeling confident.

Call Jane Pearl Lee, Anxiety Therapist in Orange County , Tustin, CA at (949)771-4461 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.