Why do I feel anxious and stuck as a professional?

Why do I feel anxious and stuck as a professional?

Wondering why you feel so anxious and stuck? Constantly comparing yourself to others and wondering if you are good enough. Sometimes we don't realize how we think about ourselves and it can be really bad head trash, with external pressure to be successful and appear confident. On the inside there can be a constant lingering self doubt. You have reached stability in life and your career, but for some freaking reason it still feels shaky. When you see your peers you feel like an imposter and wonder if people can tell. Your personal life and work life is blurred which causes you to have difficulty connecting with your family. You dread the constant business and wonder what your purpose is.

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Finding a psychologist, counselor, or therapist Orange County.

Finding a  psychologist, counselor, or therapist Orange County.

There is a long list of therapists, counselors, life coaches, and psychologists in this area in Orange County.

It can feel overwhelming to find a good therapist. In Orange County, there are a good mix of different professionals, from tech companies, sales, health care, and education. Sometimes it can feel very competitive to keep up with the “Orange County lifestyle” and the need to feel confident in your decision. Most professional careers come with stress and sometimes life throws you curve balls that can throw you out of balance. Getting therapy or counseling is a good way to find your balance and your “why” in life. If you are looking for a life coach, counselor, therapist, or psychologist - I’d like to help you find someone who can help.

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