May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month

Jane Pearl Lee Anxiety Therapist Orange County, Tustin, CA

Mental health is stigmatized in the Asian American Pacific Islander community.

With the pandemic and asian hate crimes, it is important to increase mental health awareness to improve overall wellness and community. Therapy, psychotherapy, or counseling can make a huge difference in how people cope with stress, anxiety, depression, loss, or major life changes.

In the Asian American Pacific Islander community, there appears to be a sense of guilt, shame and obligation to the family and community. Trying to be successful and have high achievements is a struggle. The stress and motivation of being successful has its pros and cons. There is a sense of direction and wanting to achieve goals.

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What to expect from anxiety counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, and coaching in Tustin, Orange County, CA

What to expect from anxiety counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, and coaching in Tustin, Orange County, CA

What to expect from anxiety counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, and coaching in Tustin, Orange County, CA

You have been searching for a right fit therapist in the Orange County area. If you want information on how to find a therapist in Orange County, check out my blog. Maybe you’ve never been to therapy, counseling, or coaching. You know you haven’t felt your best self and wonder if you can move forward with therapy. You might have some anxious thoughts about it.

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Anxiety therapist perspective of Dealing with Asian Hate

Anxiety therapist perspective of Dealing with Asian Hate

In the past few weeks, there has been a significant increase of Asian hate which has created anxiety and fear. In Orange County, CA there is a large Asian American Community and several attacks have even happened in Orange County. Sometimes we feel we live in a facade of safety and pretend everything is alright. Denial can limit your ability to readily prepare yourself. There is a lingering fear and increased concern in the community. Historically, Asians immigrated to the US to have new opportunities to start a better life for themselves and for their family. Imagine arriving in a country unable to speak English with limited resources. Trying to survive in creating a life in a new country, a new language, and also dealing with hate/ racism is a constant battle. I wonder how often someone has made inappropriate comments towards me and behind my back. Sometimes I choose to maintain naivety to ignore racism because it is so painful and scary to deal with. Now that more Asian hate crime is documented and evident, there are mixed feelings of relief of finally being heard, but also being scared to see how hateful the world can be.

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Finding a psychologist, counselor, or therapist Orange County.

Finding a  psychologist, counselor, or therapist Orange County.

There is a long list of therapists, counselors, life coaches, and psychologists in this area in Orange County.

It can feel overwhelming to find a good therapist. In Orange County, there are a good mix of different professionals, from tech companies, sales, health care, and education. Sometimes it can feel very competitive to keep up with the “Orange County lifestyle” and the need to feel confident in your decision. Most professional careers come with stress and sometimes life throws you curve balls that can throw you out of balance. Getting therapy or counseling is a good way to find your balance and your “why” in life. If you are looking for a life coach, counselor, therapist, or psychologist - I’d like to help you find someone who can help.

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Is Anxiety caused by Shame and Guilt?

Is Anxiety caused by Shame and Guilt?

In Orange County, California, there is a large Asian American community. Mental health awareness and seeking help is stigmatized in the Asian culture and kept hidden. I notice a huge pattern of shame and guilt. Sometimes I wonder if the guilt and shame is from the Asian culture or from an individual’s personal experience.

Shame and guilt bring feelings of anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, and depression.

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