Are you feeling anxious when you are on Social Media?

Are you feeling anxious when you are on Social Media?

As the years have gone by more people have smartphones and connect to social media. It’s great to connect to others and get new information immediately. BUT - there have also been articles and conversations on social media causing anxiety and mental health distress. Here are some of my perspectives about that;

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Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Orange County, Tustin, CA

Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Orange County, Tustin, CA

Living in Orange County, California is great! The weather is amazing with plenty of activities in the area - close to the beach, mountains, and LA. There is alot of diverse career opportunities in this area. Recently, there has been an increase of anxiety and depression. Mental health awareness is slowly becoming more accepted and normalized. Orange County has plenty of therapists or counselors available for help. If you are interested in learning more about how to find a therapist, counselor, or psychologist, in Orange County, check out my blog.

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Are you feeling more anxious from the pandemic?

Are you feeling more anxious from the pandemic?

Blog from Jane Pearl Lee Counseling for Anxiety| Tustin, Orange County, CA. Were you hoping to make big positive changes in 2020? All the plans you made for the year have disappeared. Feeling anxious and frustrated? Unexpectedly this year we have been slammed with huge challenges. Our anxiety and frustration have skyrocketed. Yes, this year 2020 definitely sucks and we will remember it forever.

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Asian American Mental Health Awareness during the coronavirus pandemic

Asian American Mental Health Awareness during the coronavirus pandemic

Being Korean American and first-generation born in America, has its good and bad qualities. Starting with good qualities, I got the work ethics of parents to survive in this American world. Work, work, work...I have always been motivated and pushed to work hard in my education and be successful in my career, which makes me the “model minority.” I have a close relationship to my family and value our collectivistic mind set in being aware of each other's needs. Also, I am able to live a life on minimal budget. I learned how to be super cheap and buy things “on sale.” To this day, I still get moments of pure joy when I buy awesome stuff at a great discounted price.

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