Communicating tips for anxious teens

Communicating tips for anxious teens

Teens have finally returned back to in person school. After staying at home for about a year, returning back to school may have been a difficult transition for your teen. You may notice more anxiety and emotions with your teens. Sometimes you may feel stuck communicating with your teen.

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts when talking to your anxious teens.

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Why is BTS so popular?

Why is BTS so popular?

Have you seen articles, tv shows, performances, and girls screaming about a boy band called BTS? I have heard many comments about them. “Why are there so many of them?” “They all look the same.” “They look so feminine.” “Yeah, they are good performers.” But it's not only about how they dance and sing.

I will go over my impression and opinions about BTS on how they impact today’s youth and mental health awareness. These are only my perspective and everyone has the right to different opinions.

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Are you feeling more anxious from the pandemic?

Are you feeling more anxious from the pandemic?

Blog from Jane Pearl Lee Counseling for Anxiety| Tustin, Orange County, CA. Were you hoping to make big positive changes in 2020? All the plans you made for the year have disappeared. Feeling anxious and frustrated? Unexpectedly this year we have been slammed with huge challenges. Our anxiety and frustration have skyrocketed. Yes, this year 2020 definitely sucks and we will remember it forever.

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